Monday, July 19, 2010

Precious stone.....

Precious stone...
I walk this road every day
the road was always long and winding,

I have met strangers, friends on the road
then, I found a precious stone the other day,
it was there on the road abandoned by someone
Wonder who would forsake such a precious stone....

I stopped on my tracks, knelt down
picked it up with both my hands gently and carefully....

The gentle rays of the morning piercing the stone and
emanate in all directions displaying its splendor....
I gazed at it with awe.....
Should I leave the gem back on the road as it doesn't belong to me????
Or Should I hold it close to my heart and make it mine??...I am standing still....confused!!


I was an infant,
and there was this pair of hands that held me
there was this pair of hands kept me safe
there was this pair of hands rocked my cradle
there was this pair of hands fed me when I was hungry
there was this pair of hands that stroked my back when I was falling asleep....

I became a boy,
and there was this pair of hands that held me when I walked to school
there was this pair of hands punished me when I erred
there was this pair of hands that stroked my forehead when I get home tired
there was this pair of hands that lifted me up when I fell down....

I become a man,
and there was this pair of hands that wrapped around my shoulder for support
there was this pair of hands that held me firm when I fell off the ladder
there was this pair of hands that held my children in gentle embrace
there was this pair of hands that stretched out to me when he was gasping for breath.....

I miss the pair of hands that made me who I am.....I miss you daddy!!!


The wind is blowing hot,
dust and dead leaves stir up
aimlessly drifting to places unknown,
the summer sun beats down merciless
the hair on my forehead gets blown away,
the faint trickle of sweat wets my cheeks
the pangs of thirst slowly creeps my senses
my feet dragging me inch by inch ahead....

In the middle of nowhere I look for the brook
but, there is nothing but a winding road ahead of me
the barren land by the sides mock me,
Oh heavens, where are the shores of still water?
Every bit of me longs for the cool trickle of you
to sooth me and to quench me...
My steps unsure, my eyes dreary I look for thee,
Where will I find my brook in the middle of this emptiness!!!!

Footsteps that I may never hear....

It's been months since you flew away to your new home,
I could see your face looking back through the rear window of the car
until you faded around the corner
Your eyes were like the 5 year old I left behind many years ago..

I remember the time I held you close, my son
your frail little body trembling with delirium,
You clung to me like a vine on a tree trunk...
I remember the time when you held your hand out to me
at times when you needed support....
I remember the time your firm hands wrapped around me
when your father passed away, assuring me comfort...
I remember how you become strong when it mattered most...

Time has caught up with me, with a body ravaged by cancer
As I lay waiting on this hospital bed, for my end to come....
I wish you could be here next to me so that I can reach out
and hold your hand, my son....
I need you more than ever in my life, when my days are numbered
the cold hands of death are a breath away from whisking me
to the deep and dark valley of silence....
I wish I could see you my son, just for one brief moment
To look into your eyes and to utter one last time that I loved you most...

The October sun gently beating down the window panes
The wind blowing gently on the drapes
Smell of medicines hanging in the thick air of the corridor
The faint groaning of aching bodies from the other rooms
Piercing the dense silence like a sharp dagger….
I been looking out for you, my son, I been listening to each footstep
echoing in the corridor....
As I feel the cold hands of death inching up my legs,
I realise I am waiting for the footsteps that I may never hear....

Footnote : I wrote this piece about my mother, who passed away a decade ago, while waiting in agony to see her first born for one last time...and the first born never made it to that poor woman...she passed away waiting for her son's footsteps!!!! This might have been her thoughts!!

First Love.....

I don't ask you to be a breeze,
I ask you to be the hurricane that blows me away, my darling...

I don't ask you to be my rock,
I ask you to be my mountain, my darling...

I don't ask you to be a drizzle,
I ask you to rain down in my life, my darling....

I don't ask you to be a stream,
I ask you to be the wild river that wash me away, my darling....

I don't ask you to be a spark,
I ask you to be the fire of my life, my darling....

I don't ask you to love me,
I ask you to burn me in your passion, my darling....


City lights burned so bright
humid air blanketed the city streets
thirsty souls crowded the dim lit bars
looking for a cool respite on the warm summer dusk
balmy wind broke sweat on every brow
smell of beer and smoke filled the air,
decadent patrons indulged in carefree chatter,
thunder and lightning lined the city skyline
dark and mysterious the mississippi waited.....

Wading into shallow water
the wind blew gentle on the forehead,
the murky depths of the river beckoned
every stroke on the water beat a rythm
as the boombox flared aloud on the banks
swimming on the back staring at the dark sky
the seedy clouds mocked back with thunder and lightning
dream brother sang along Zeppelin....
street lights flickered from a distance
darkness shrouded the shores in mystey
even the distant horn of the tug boat
sounded like the death bell of the day gone by....

Did you wish for that moment to last an eternity, dream brother?
Did you wish for the powers of murky depths to drag you under?
Did you surrender to the wake of passing boat with a mysterious smile?
I sit here on the shores wondering...
If you ever walk out the river, fully drenched and smiling
to wake me up from the nightmare of that summer night in May!!!

Black widow......

You smiled like the rising sun
Your teeth so white it blinded me
Your skin so smooth like elegant silk
the falling raindrops flowed like streaks of silver....
You stroked my hair like the gentle breeze
every touch felt like a feather on my skin
the warm breath gently caresss the back of my neck
like a fresh wind blowing from the garden...
while I lay down drained on your lap like an empty vessel....
my eyes half shut in a drunken stupor....
I can feel the way you lean to me, your lip so red
gently turn to me to kiss ...I know it will be the kiss of death
I could feel the cherry red lips hiding your vicious fangs
about to dig into the back of my neck....

I lay helpless as your fangs dig into me
pumping your venom through me veins
I knew the moment I stepped into your silky web
you danced like a drunk, dazzling me in your charm...
I knew it was the dance of death....
You smiled when you danced around
I knew you could smile when you kill....
Yet I let you dazzle me, my Black widow
your silky web, your ravishing dance.....

when your venom tavel down my veins
I still love you even when I know it is vain!!!